Find some disagreement expressions in the dialogue and write them in the box below!
Jordy Hi, Mitha. Did you watch my piano performance last night?
Mitha: Hi, Jordy, Yes, I watched your performance last night.
Jordy: What do you think of it? 1 guess it wasn't good enough. well.
Mitha : I have to object your statement. You did it really
Jordy :Thank you. But, I think I made some mistakes in the stage.
Mitha: I don't agree with you. You did it great. The spectators also gave you big applause
Jordy : Yeah, you're right. I had practiced so much so that I could perform it well, but I still made mistake.
Mitha : Don't worry so much. You can practice harder for the next performance in order to make you satisfied.
Jordy : Definitely! will never give up until feel satisfied with my performance.
Mitha : That's great. Don't give up. I'll always support you.

Mitha : I have to object your statement. You did it really well
Jordy :Thank you. But, I think I made some mistakes in the stage.
Mitha: I don't agree with you. You did it great. The spectators also gave you big applause
True or False:
1. False.
Corrections: Mitha watched Jordy's piano performance last night.
2. False.
Corrections: No, Mitha does not think that way.
3. False.
Corrections: Spectators gave Jordy big applause.
disagreement expressions:
- I have to object to your statement.
- I don't agree with you.
Jawaban dicetak tebal sekaligus penjelasan dan merupakan materi pembelajaran True or false (Benar atau salah) dan disagreement expressions (pernyataan ketidak setujuan) dalam Bahasa Inggris.
True = Benar, false = salah
1. salah karena Mitha menonton penampilan Jordy bermain piano
2. salah karena sebenarnya Jordy yang berpikir melakukan kesalahan
3. salah karena penampilan Jordy bagus, penonton bertepuk tangan
Pernyataan ketidak setujuan (berdasarkan teks):
- I have to object to your statement.
- I don't agree with you.
Semoga membantu ya.